Event: Get Informed About Police Reform! -- July 7, 2020


Get Informed About Police Reform: How Legislators Plan to Improve Virginia's Justice System this Summer

With police reform in the spotlight, you've probably seen announcements for dozens of criminal justice reform events recently. Unfortunately, too few of them help laypeople understand criminal justice reform the way advocates do. Aren't you wondering…

  • What changes are most needed in Virginia and why?

  • Why must we end pretextual policing and overpolicing of misdemeanor offenses?

  • What the assault on law enforcement statute is and how it's abused?

  • Are all civilian review boards the same? How important is robust civilian oversight with auditing authority and subpoena power?

  • Should resource officers be in Virginia schools?

  • How can we turn our ideas into law?

That's why we're holding this event!

Senator Scott Surovell and Delegate Don Scott are leading the charge in their respective chambers on criminal justice reform, and as practicing attorneys, they understand the ins-and-outs of criminal justice policy far better than most of their peers. They will be joining us on Facebook Live on July 7 from 6:30-7:30pm as we help you “get informed” about specific criminal justice reform proposals that are on the table and their prospects during a possible special session this summer.

The live feed will be available on Facebook Live, and will be recorded and posted to YouTube. Here’s the Facebook event page for more details (and to RSVP): Get Informed About Police Reform in Virginia -- Facebook Event Page.

Stay tuned in the coming weeks, as well! This is just the first in a series of “explainer” events intended to help the general public better understand criminal justice policy so you can be equipped to join our movement as effective volunteer advocates.